Kathy Long: Putting Cedar City First

About Me

When I came to Cedar City 40 years ago to attend SUU, I immediately decided this city should be my forever home. I left Salt Lake City, where I was raised, and committed to building my future here. I chose Cedar City, and now I want to serve it.

Working in a variety of jobs has helped me understand the unique aspects of several different industries. I worked as a substitute teacher, office manager for a home builder, Account Executive for The Spectrum in Marketing/Advertising, and I currently work for Proforma Business Communications marketing promotional products. With a volunteer spirit, I also work with Wreaths Across America and the Downtown City Lighting Ceremony committee.

I have actively participated in various organizations, including the Iron County Home Builders Board, where I have served for eight years, and the Chamber of Commerce Board, where I served for two years. I have also worked with non-profits such as Iron County Care & Share, Canyon Creek Crisis Center, and the Friends Board for the Children’s Justice Center. Additionally, I ran and won an election to serve as Treasurer for a state-wide non-profit entity, where I am currently in my second term after winning reelection unopposed.

Why I’m Running for City Council

Through my work in marketing, I have developed meaningful relationships with business owners in Cedar City. I have heard their concerns about the future of our community. I am committed to using those relationships on the City Council to better help our small and large businesses.

Like you, I am concerned about the future of our community. Whenever I talk to residents about our city’s future, questions like, “Will we have enough water?”, “Will our kids be able to afford housing?”, and “Will our infrastructure meet our future needs?“ consistently come up as concerns that affect all of us. Together with the others serving on Cedar City Council, we will find the answers and create the future we want!

Values & Priorities

Helping Small Businesses Thrive

Our small businesses are the backbone of our community. They influence and create the economy of our city by creating jobs and character.

Safe Neighborhoods

If you don’t feel safe in your home or community, not much else matters.

Building Opportunity

Creating a viable economic future so that our children and grandchildren can stay, grow, and thrive in our community.

Quality of Life

We should develop in such a way that our quality of life continues to have that home town feel.

Endorsed by Trusted Community Leaders

Mike Bleak — Iron County Commissioner

Scott Phillips — Cedar City Councilman

Terri Hartley — Cedar City Councilwoman

Iron County Homebuilders Association

Maile Wilson Edwards — Former Mayor of Cedar City

Michael Bahr — Interim Managing Director, Utah Shakespeare Festival

Donn Jersey — Director of Development & Communications, Utah Shakespeare Festival

Stuart Jones — Vice President for Advancement & Enrollment Management, Souther Utah University

Celeste & Steve Johnson — Local Business Owners